Let It Be Easy


Whatever tasks or situations we think are hard ARE hard. So, what if we decided that things could be easy instead?

Since our beliefs create our reality, if we believe things get to be easy for us, then they do. Simple as that.

Sometimes it takes work to get behind the idea that things can be easy. Our culture teaches us that we have to struggle and strive, that things are hard and complicated.

But what if that wasn’t actually true? What if we could let things be easy and simple?

I have worked on believing that life gets to be easy for me. I’ve written it on my bathroom mirror and used it as a mantra, but I still bump into things that feel hard for me.

Today in a PSYCH-K® session with myself about something that currently feels hard, I received two messages:

1. I didn’t believe it was safe to let things be easy. I have been judging others who have easy lives or seem to have things handed to them on a silver platter, thinking that they don’t deserve it because they didn’t work hard for it. .
How can I be a person who’s life is easy when I’m busy judging others for being that way?

2. When things feel hard, it means I have another belief about that thing/person/task/situation that I need to look at. It’s an indication of an area of my life that requires growth.

New affirmation: It’s safe for life to be easy for me. I let it all be easy.

Is there something in your life that you’re unnecessarily making hard? What can you do/how can you change your thinking around it to make it easier?

Brendon McCarville