You Are Not Alone

While there may be a part of you struggling, hurting, suffering or just barely holding it together…

there’s always a part of you that is strong and capable and resilient.

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Brendon McCarville
Trust Fall

Just remember - there’s nothing you can do to mess this up. I’ve got you.”

This is what my tandem instructor told me right before we jumped out of the plane.

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Brendon McCarville
What Kind of Future Do You Want to Create?

I once had a vision of a life, a glimpse of one possible future version of me who was old and lying on my deathbed. I felt sad, lonely and empty except for the fullness of regrets. I regretted a few of the things I had done, but mostly they were regrets of things left undone.

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Brendon McCarville
Feeling Free

How free do you feel in your life right now?

I used to feel trapped by so many things - debt, health issues, my identity as a shy person, my family’s influence, my job, past experiences, society’s ideas of how things are supposed to be and what success is supposed to look like, etc., etc.

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Brendon McCarville
Learning to Rest

The old me would probably have just pushed through and forced myself to tackle all the things on my list for today. The old me would have waited to rest until everything was in place and finished.

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Brendon McCarville