You Are Worthy Now

How often have you thought “I’ll be happier when I’m thin” or “Life will be better/people will like me more once I lose xx pounds”?

I used to think like that all the time. But, what I know now is that it’s all bullshit.

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Brendon McCarville
Coming Out of Hiding

In what ways are you still hiding? Hiding from the world or even from yourself?

Up till now, I’ve always been a behind-the-scenes kind of person, comfortable to just fade into the background, take care of all the details and keep things running for those in the spotlight.

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Brendon McCarville
Letting Things Fall Apart

Our true nature is bliss, love, connection, enlightenment. And our job as humans is to strip away everything else, everything that keeps us from experiencing our Truth.

Sometimes we have to let things fall apart to access that Truth.

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Brendon McCarville
The Moment of Now

But when we slow things down, we begin to notice the space between our inhales.......and our exhales.

In that space we can practice observing our thoughts instead of thinking the thoughts, imagining each thought is like a cloud in the sky drifting away.

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Brendon McCarville
Let It Be Easy

Whatever tasks or situations we think are hard ARE hard. So, what if we decided that things could be easy instead?

Since our beliefs create our reality, if we believe things get to be easy for us, then they do. Simple as that.

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Brendon McCarville
Accepting the Emotional Waves

It’s not always fun to actually feel your feelings, and society has trained us not to. It can be really uncomfortable. But ignoring and pushing them down only leads to dis-connection and dis-ease.

Acceptance, on the other hand, is a powerful tool for riding these emotional waves.

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Brendon McCarville