You Are Worthy Now
How often have you thought “I’ll be happier when I’m thin” or “Life will be better/people will like me more once I lose xx pounds”?
I used to think like that all the time. But, what I know now is that it’s all bullshit.
I’ve weighed significantly more than I currently do and also less. And you know what? At all sizes, I’ve had crappy days and beautiful ones. I’ve experienced struggle and success. I’ve been rejected by others and accepted.
And it had nothing to do with the number on the scale.
Our physical bodies are simply reflections of what’s happening in our brains. 🧠
When we have thoughts that we’re not worthy/likeable/loveable until some specific thing happens, like losing weight, we’re telling ourselves that our worth is conditional, and we’re setting ourselves up for failure.
The thing is - our worth is not conditional. We are all worthy now. Period.
Most of us have been programmed by society to believe otherwise, to believe that we aren’t good enough as we are. Advertisements constantly tell us we need these clothes, that makeup, this diet pill, etc. to feel good, to be acceptable to society and to be loved.
But where does it end? Is there actually a point where you’ll be enough or feel worthy?
What if you could change that programming to believe you are worthy now?
Once I began really loving myself and knowing I am worthy exactly as I am, my behaviors automatically aligned with that belief. I didn’t have to go on some crazy diet, restrict calories or force workouts.
I simply began acting like a person who loved herself and living my life in a way that was true to me. ❤️ As a result, I became more confident, my health improved and my weight decreased.
It’s possible for you, too.
If you want support with this, connect with me on a call or book a PSYCH-K session . I can help you reprogram subconscious beliefs so the thoughts running through your mind all day support the life and the body you want to create.