Shift Your Energy to Transform Your Life
Shifting your energy can transform your life.
Have you ever noticed that when you’re tired, frustrated, bored or in a bad mood, it seems like you don’t even have access to positive thoughts?
That’s how I was feeling today - tired and needing a nap but I didn’t really have time for that. So instead of a nap, I spent 8 minutes on my yoga mat moving my body.
Doing that changed the rest of my day. I went from tired and lethargic, to upbeat and focused. I had access to the positive thoughts I needed to tackle the rest of today’s tasks.
I’ve noticed that even when it’s hard to make it to my mat or to a workout, doing it anyway always puts me in a better mood and gives me energy.
I don’t mean forcing myself to do a workout when my body is truly in need of rest. I do mean inviting myself to move my body in a way that feels good and energizing.
Some days it’s a quick dance party, other days it’s a yoga practice or a kettlebell workout, and sometimes it’s a long leisurely walk outside.
Our bodies are made to move. Our health and our energy depends on movement. And, doing even just a few minutes of movement creates a pattern interrupt that can shift your energy and your thinking into a more supportive direction.
I’d love to know if any of you also have this experience! Share in the comments and also let me know - what’s your favorite way to shift your energy?