Letting Things Fall Apart
I’ve drawn both of these oracle cards several times over the last couple of months - The Crumbling and The Birth of a New Age.
These cards are just another message, like so many I have received from lately, about letting go and trusting, about allowing the old to fall and the new to rise.
Let go of what’s no longer serving me. Let go of all the things that were never truly me to begin with, the things society conditioned me to believe I wanted or needed. Let go of people, possessions, situations that are no longer in alignment.
Trust that things are working out for me, that everything will be ok.
I quit my corporate job a few months ago because I could feel my life crumbing down around me. I had been clinging to the familiar while ignoring the growing desires in my heart. My physical health began to suffer, manifesting in over a year of severe gut issues, and my mental health was declining, spiraling into anxiety and depression.
Even with the growing dis-ease, I stayed there. I stayed because the unknown future ahead was too scary.
Finally one day, the Universe presented me with the final straw. The anger and frustration I felt pushed me over the edge, and I made the decision that it was time to go. It was time to step into my worth, to follow my heart.I’m so glad I did! In the moment of decision, I started to feel more energized, lighter, more expansive and truer to myself.
Our true nature is bliss, love, connection, enlightenment. And our job as humans is to strip away everything else, everything that keeps us from experiencing our Truth.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together.
- Marilyn Monroe
Sometimes we have to let things fall apart to access that Truth.
Familiar situations only seem safe because they’re comfortable, known quantities. But familiarity is not the same as satisfaction or pleasure.
So now it’s time to lean into the unknown. Lean into the discomfort. Lean toward the desires inside of you.
That’s where the transformation happens.✨
What would happen if you decided to take the leap? To lean into the discomfort of the unknown? What have you been holding yourself back from out of fear?
If you’re ready, I’d love to support you. Schedule a connection call or book a PSYCH-K® session to get started.