Your Soul Is Calling
What is your soul calling you to that you’ve been ignoring or putting on the back burner?
For the longest time, I suppressed my truth, my desire to make a bigger contribution and impact in the world in my own unique way. I followed the conventional “safe” path: college → job → MBA → 401k → house = success.
I kept wondering why this “successful” life I was living didn’t make me happy. In fact, I was stressed out, depressed and becoming more and more unhealthy.
I knew deep down I had something special to give and share with the world, but I didn’t believe it was possible for me to create a life where I was successful AND fulfilled.
But my soul kept calling me.
Life got more and more uncomfortable. I ended up with severe adrenal and gut issues from prolonged stress and years of ignoring that call.
I eventually reached a breaking point and realized if I continued like this - feeling trapped in a cubicle, not making the contribution I came into this life to make - I would slowly wither away and die. I already was withering away.
So, I took a chance. I trusted myself and quit corporate America.
It was one of the most liberating decisions of my life so far.
After turning in my notice, my health issues magically cleared up, and I began living with a renewed sense of purpose.
I had no idea what would unfold after that, but deep down, I trusted that I could chart my own path and that everything would be ok.
The last year and a half of entrepreneurship hasn’t been easy. It also hasn’t been boring or soul crushing.
I have been filled with passion and purpose.
I have learned so much about myself. I have a deep appreciation for my entire journey, even the hardest times, the dark nights of the soul, because they led me here - to this amazing life and business where I get to help people tap into their truth, into their inner calling. And, I get to help them overcome all the obstacles standing in the way of trusting themselves and going for it.
If you know you’re meant for something bigger than the current life you’re living and you just can’t seem to step into that bigness, I have something for you!
I’m putting the finishing touches on an amazing new offer that I’m releasing soon!
In the meantime, trust yourself.
Trust that you CAN do this, whatever it is your soul is calling you to. You DESERVE to live a life you love. You are WORTHY of everything you desire and so much more.
It IS worth the work to get there, and I’d love to help make it quicker and easier for you than it was for me.
DM me if you want to be the first to know when I release this new deep dive container of transformation.
You came here for a reason, and it wasn’t to conform. It was to stand out, to make a positive contribution in the world and to be free. And I can help you get there.
Schedule a connection call with me now to get started.