Trust Fall
Just remember - there’s nothing you can do to mess this up. I’ve got you.”
This is what my tandem instructor told me right before we jumped out of the plane.
It was a message from the Universe that I really needed to hear.
I’ve been on a continual journey of growth and expansion, and this happened just as I was about to expand into something even bigger than I had previously believed I was capable of.
In every challenging moment since I went all in on my business and my own way of doing life, the Universe has shown up for me and provided a parachute and/or an experienced guide.
Just like with skydiving, there have been moments of free fall in my life when I didn’t know how I was going to make ends meet or where my next client would come from.
But consistently, things and people have shown up in my life out of nowhere to support me.
It’s tempting when the fear sets in to step back away from the open door and ride back down to safety inside the airplane. It’s tempting to give up because when it’s right, it’s not supposed to be this hard or scary, right?!
When you know something is aligned for you and it feels scary, your willingness to jump anyway leads to the most expansive and exhilarating experiences.
I know it’s hard to jump.
It took me more than 7 years to work up the courage, confidence and self-trust to leave my “safe” corporate job. I had so many reasons not to do it.
But I knew if I didn’t, I would regret it. I would regret not following my true calling, not fulfilling my purpose and not knowing what it was like to live a life fully alive.
The thing is, it doesn’t have to take that long. If years ago I had the tools I have now to work through my fears, traumas, doubts and debilitating emotions, I would have made it here a lot faster.
I would have learned to believe in myself and trust the Universe so much sooner!
We each have a unique contribution to make to the world. The faster you move through the fear and jump, the sooner you can make that contribution and feel more fulfilled than ever before.
If you’ve been struggling with self-doubt and fear around stepping into a life of purpose that doesn’t look like the conventional version of success we’ve been fed by society, I’d love to help you.
I’m opening up a new transformational offer that will help you release the biggest blocks preventing you from going after the purpose-filled life you actually want to live.
This will be a co-creative experience, and we’ll go deep in order to transmute your confusion, doubt and fear into the passion and fuel you need to take the next steps on your journey.
Exhilaration and liberation are waiting for you. Are you ready to jump?
Schedule a connection call with me now to get started.