Feel the Fear
Thinking about changing yourself, changing careers, creating a more beautiful and true-to-you life can feel scary.
That’s normal, expected even.
If your status quo wasn’t being threatened, your brain wouldn’t have to get defensive and scared.
But those feelings don’t mean anything about your ability to change or to create whatever you want to create.
That’s just a normal reaction from your brain.
Your heart knows better.
Your heart knows you weren’t meant to sit behind the walls of some drab cubicle for the next 30 years doing ho-hum work until you retire.
So don’t.
Feel the fear.
Let it be a trail marker that confirms you’re on the right path heading toward something meaningful for you.
And keep going.
When you’re ready for a guide who’s been there and know how it feels every step of the way, I’d love to support you.
Schedule a connection call with me. We’ll talk about your big, scary, meaningful dreams, uncover the biggest obstacles in your way right now and talk about whether working with me is the next right step for you.